Saturday, November 1, 2008

New Concepty English for Education of Weekend

My semi-weekly roundup of fractured Chinese English.

As I said, last week I helped take the 4th grade class on camp. We went to Agriworld, which I suppose could be described as a Communist Knott's Berry Farm. By that I mean it was built, and is maintained, with absolutely zero evidence that its owners/managers care whether or not anyone ever actually comes.
Everything was very haphazard and cursory, and many areas in it look like someone had a bright idea and then abandoned it. Apparently, it was once a state hydroponics farm of some sort, and has now been reworked into a facility for school outings. Being that it is China, who knows what the real story is. It could be the neglected project of some unambitious child of a Party bigshot, or it could literally be the property of the Chinese Army (I'm not being facetious about that at all, the military has its fingers throughout the economy).

Still, there is fun to be had at Agriworld, and we all had a really good time at camp. At the gate, there are two big signs showing all of the available activities (several of which are derelict, or nowhere to be found). There are a lot of laughs to be had on these signs, but I gave close-ups of the two that amused me the most: for horse riding and for paintball.


  1. Wahoo!! I'm glad i finally got ur block link!! Thanks Uncle Reed!! Um.... Agriworld... Interesting!!!! Did your kids (not school kids, but biological children) get to go too??

  2. Wow, I could really go for some flicking color right now.
