Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Back in the Saddle Again

Last week I went with the whole 4th grade class on school camp. I may post some other pictures later, but for right now I am going to go with just a couple. One of the camp activities was horse riding. I wasn't going to bother riding one, but not all the kids in my group wanted to, so we ended up with some extra time.

The horses, and their handlers, were from Mongolia. Ghengis Kahn and his warriors rode these Steppe Horses across Asia. Therefore, they are obviously tough little guys (the men and the horses), but the emphasis there is on little.

At first, the guy tried to hand-hold me on this, and even tried to help me get on. Fortunately, I was quickly able to convince him that I knew what I was doing, and he turned me loose and left me alone. I didn't have much time, so I just took one quick spin around the track. Still, at least I can say I did it.

As I said, these horses are tough little guys. Here, for size comparison, is me back in Arizona on one of our full-size American Quarterhorses (Emily is in the picture with me).

Now here I am on the Mongolian horse. I chose the biggest of the ones they had. Cute little feller, ain't he? Lee says I look like I'm riding a child's bicycle.


  1. ha ha ha ha ha! now i want to ride a Mongolian pony. size aside, that is amazingly cool. you rode the same horse as the Mongol hordes. now go take over all of Eurasia!

  2. don - you look good on a horse even if it is the size of a big dog. mongolian cowboy--they say those guys could really ride. we have two 3year old paint fillies that we hope to have ready to ride by the time your home next summer. hang in there cowboy !

  3. He he he horses with short little legs.
